Increase Web Site Traffic

Find Out Exactly How To Increase Web Site Traffic Now!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Learn How To Increase Web Site Traffic From The Experts

Knowing how to increase web site traffic is a skill that every site owner needs to learn continuous as the internet world is constantly evolving. What works today may or may not work 3 months later. However, there are also those methods that are evergreen. If you are not the learning type, you can also choose to follow systems developed by internet gurus out there. There we review 2 leading programs that set the stage for site owners to increase web site traffic and conversion rates.

Viral Traffic Sea

This is a traffic generator tool that uses the concept of viral marketing to attract targeted web site traffic. Basically, you can generate a link to any website (including your own) and start to promote the link for example, by writing articles. When visitors click on the link, it will show the website you are linking to plus a small banner with advertising on the bottom of the site. When those links get clicked, you earn traffic credits and that enable you to create ads to promote your own website. The ads will then be showed on links that other members are promoting which are relevant to your niche. It is very viral and very targeted. The ads look professional and is not spammy at all to visitors as there is a count down timer in place.

There are 2 kinds of membership, gold and diamond. Gold membership is free and Diamond has a monthly subscription cost.

The good thing about this system is that you do not have to add in codes to your websites or have any technical knowledge. It is very easy to use and free to start with. Visit the website for a detailed video illustration.

Rapid Mass Traffic

Rapid Mass Traffic is a 3 step system that aims to help to get targeted web site traffic without spending tons of money. The author describes the 3 steps simply as:
Step 1 - What is the product or service you want to sell
Step 2 - Do the research for the product or service
Step 3 - Press submit to send a 'motherload' of traffic
The guide will provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions on exactly how to perform the 3 steps. The system is not based on any PPC or Web 2.0 techniques and you are able to start earning even with an affiliate link.

So is this system for you? Check out the videos on the website and decide for yourselves.

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How To Increase Web Site Traffic

Knowing how to increase web site traffic is the lifeline for any site owner who wants to stay profitable and sustainable. An online presence with a strong and steady base of targeted web site traffic almost always guarantee success for the site owner, be it in terms of credibility or revenue. Here we will look at what site owners are doing to increase web site traffic to their sites.

1. Article marketing – Most webmasters will swear by this method of writing articles that are relevant to the niches you are in and driving traffic to your website. Article marketing does more than just helping you to catch more eyeballs, it helps you to filter off visitors to your website who are only looking for information from those who are actually searching for solutions to their problems, and are willing to pay for it. Articles provide a channel from which you can build your credibility by showcasing your expertise in the area of your niches and show potential customers that you do know what you are promoting. This method takes a considerable amount of time/money depending on whether you are writing the articles yourselves or outsourcing it.

2. List building – It is nice to have new visitors to your website but how do keep them coming back? One powerful method is to build a following by gathering email contacts of your visitors. Of course, usually you need to provide some kind of incentives for readers to want to leave their contact information. This can come in the form of subscription of a 5-part tutorial series on a topic of interest or a downloadable free Ebook. Whatever it is, the concept is to allow you to email these people and keep them connected to your website.

3. RSS, social bookmarking, and other Web 2.0 technologies. This portion is truly easy to implement if you are building a blog using technologies such WordPress. Web 2.0 plug-ins are readily available and you can simply add in the functionality on the fly. The idea is to spread the word about what is happening on your website to as many RSS subscribers, visitors to social bookmarking sites and other blogs. These may be less targeted than visitors from articles or your list but is still important.

The list above is by no means exhaustive and there are many more ways to increase web site traffic. Learn how to increase web site traffic from the professionals here.

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